Italea Liguria

We are the founders of Sonío Liguria, an association which carries on the Italea project in our beautiful region. We are committed to welcoming you to Liguria and making your journey back to your roots a unique opportunity for mutual growth and transformation.


What guides us: our values


– Active listening
Paying attention to words and emotions gives us the right direction to follow

– Connection
Getting to know your story is the fundamental basis for building your return experience.

– Depth
We believe in the importance of documents to give a solid foundation to your family search.

– Identity
We strive to activate relationships and cultural exchanges that enrich both host and guest.

– Personalisation
We activate paths to get to know places and people based on individual desires.


What we do: our mission

We help the roots’ travellers organise their journey back to their Italian origins by accompanying them in their search for themselves and welcoming them in an emotional experience of empowering and transformative growth in collaboration with the local population.


What we aspire to: our vision


We want root journeys to contribute value to relations between Italy and the world and to become bridges connecting countries and a source of inspiration for the search for personal authenticity.


A team with a beating heart and an eye for everything: our people


Andrea: He focuses on everything. Project manager.

Martina M.: She concentrates on accounts and processes. Administrative manager.

Martina S.: A liaison eye between external and internal. Secretarial manager.

Chiara: She is projected on the road ahead. Tour leader.

Adele: She focuses on archives and documents. Historical researcher.

Eugenia: She is in charge of the content. Communication manager.

Romina: She concentrates on sport and community contacts. Designer of events and sports routes.

Antonella: She manages the organisation. Creator of customised emotional journeys.