
The Museum of Italian Emigration: a journey through history and identity

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Luogo:Genova (GE)

€ (economic)

The experience

The Museum of Italian Emigration in Genoa is a tribute to the history of Italians who emigrated in search of better life opportunities. This museum of national importance is spread over 3 floors and serves as a custodian of memories and stories.

Through 16 thematic areas, the journey of millions of Italians who, from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, left their country to settle in new lands is narrated with empathy and detail. There will be many references to the history of your ancestors.

Italian Emigration Museum: strengthening the link between past and present

In the halls of the museum, you will be able to immerse yourself in the experiences of the emigrants, combining historical documents, photographs, personal letters and audiovisual testimonies both chronologically and thematically.

This multimedia approach helps to understand not only the difficulties and challenges, but also the hopes and successes of these travelers and your ancestors.

Particularly touching is the section dedicated to personal stories, where the direct voices of the emigrants tell stories of sacrifice, nostalgia and resilience without ever neglecting a solid historiographical framework.
How much of your personal history will you find in those collected by the museum?

The MEI museum is not only limited to individual stories, but also explores the broader impact of Italian emigration globally.

It examines how emigrants have influenced the destination countries economically, socially and culturally, highlighting the spread of the Italian language, cuisine, art and culture around the world.

A significant part of the museum is dedicated to migration routes. Through detailed maps and interactive models, visitors can trace the routes of emigrants, from the Italian countryside to the ports of departure and beyond.

This section emphasizes the global reach of Italian emigration, showing how these migrations have formed cross-continental connections.

A further focus focuses on contemporary migration issues, establishing a link between the past and the present.
This comparison stimulates a reflection on today’s waves of migration and on the stories of current migrants, suggesting a parallel with the experiences of Italian ancestors.

This perspective makes the museum not only a place of historical preservation, but also a center of active dialogue and reflection on modern migration dynamics.

The guide that will accompany you will help you in selecting the topics that interest you most and that you want to deepen.

A Reflection on Welcome and Inclusion

The visit to the museum offers a deep understanding not only of the history of Italian emigration, but also of the universal themes of migration, identity, and belonging, making it an educational and emotionally engaging experience.

We will invite you to reflect on the importance of acceptance and inclusion. By sharing the experiences of those who have crossed borders in search of a better future, the museum encourages a deeper understanding of the challenges and joys of finding a new destiny.

A visit to the National Museum of Italian Emigration is an experience that goes beyond simply viewing the objects on display; It’s a gripping journey into the heart of human stories. A touching tribute to those who had the courage to face the unknown, helping to shape the cultural and social landscape not only of Italy, but of the whole world.

Visit lenght

1.5/2 hours

Offer in


Information/To know

Location/The place


Museo MEI, Piazza della Commenda, 16126, Genova

How to get there

On foot
In three minutes from Genoa Piazza Principe train station, through Salita San Giovanni

By bus
Gramsci 3 / Commenda stop, westbound
Gramsci 1/ Commenda stop, east direction

By Metro
Doria Stop/ Metro Principe

By plane
“Cristoforo Colombo” International Airport

By boat:
Ferry Terminal, Iqbal Masih Ferry Yard
Stazione Marittima, Ponte dei Mille 1

Contact form

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National Museum of Italian Emigration Foundation

Schedule and timetable

From 1 June to 30 September Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday 11.00 a.m./6.00 p.m. Saturday | Sunday 11.00 a.m./7.00 p.m. From 1 October to 31 May Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday 10.00 a.m./6.00 p.m. Saturday | Sunday 11.00 a.m./7.00 p.m. Average duration of the activity (minutes/hours)

Check the business's official website for up-to-date information.
